National DigiFoundry

NDF Services & Fees

Silver Sand Caster

US$10k/yr fee

  • Digi-Foundry website login credentials
  • Access to member-only content
  • Advance notice of NDF events
  • $NDT account authorization (Stargazer wallet required)
  • Vote on industry best practices
  • Propose industry best practices
  • Propose working groups
  • Vote on working groups
  • 5,000 utility tokens
  • Silver Member NFT for the applicable year
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Gold Die Caster

US$25k/yr fee

  • Digi-Foundry website login credentials
  • Access to member-only content
  • Advance notice of NDF events
  • $NDT account authorization (Stargazer wallet required)
  • Propose industry best practices
  • Propose working groups
  • Vote on working groups
  • Vote on industry best practices
  • Vote on research projects
  • 10,000 utility tokens
  • Gold Member NFT for the applicable year
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Platinum Centrifugal Caster

US$50k/yr fee

  • Digi-Foundry website login credentials
  • Access to member-only content
  • Advance notice of NDF events
  • $NDT account authorization (Stargazer wallet required)
  • Propose industry best practices
  • Vote on industry best practices
  • Propose research projects
  • Vote on research projects
  • Vote on governance changes
  • 25,000 utility tokens
  • Platinum Member NFT for the applicable year
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Governance Continuous Caster

US$100k/yr fee

  • Digi-Foundry website login credentials
  • Access to member-only content
  • Advance notice of NDF events
  • $NDT account authorization (Stargazer wallet required)
  • Propose industry best practices
  • Vote on industry best practices
  • Propose governance changes
  • Vote on governance changes
  • Propose capital investments
  • Vote on capital investment
  • Sponsor capital investments
  • 50,000 utility tokens
  • Governance Member NFT for the applicable year
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Workgroup Membership

US$250 ($NDT 2,500) per six-month study period

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Professional Certification Exam Voucher

$NDT 2,500 per voucher

Pay Now $NDT 1 = USD $0.10

Live Instructor-Led Events

$NDT 2,500 per attendee

Pay Now $NDT 1 = USD $0.10

Currency Discounted Purchase